Monday, October 19, 2015

Tan2you 2015 Pricing

Many people ask, " How much does it cost to get a spray tan at home?" It can vary from place to place. (I've heard that Dante Fitzpatrick of Beach Bum in Manhattan charges upwards of $300 an onsite sunless tanning session). Here in Jacksonville and St. Augustine it's not quite that high. In north Florida it can be anywhere from $30 to $60 depending on if you're by yourself or with a group. Mobile spray tan artists typically give a price break if they tan more than one person at a time, be sure to ask about this when you book your appointment. It might just pay to invite a friend or two over and make a mini spray-tan party out of it! 
Typically upgrades like rapid rinse spray on tan formulas and body contouring will be a bit more. Some spraytan technicians will charge for tattoo stickers, prep spray, glitter, pasties and sticky feet. Tan2you includes these in our price. We also include the travel fee. We find that makes it easier for the client to just enjoy the tanning experience without having to do any crazy accounting magic at the end of the visit!

For the best Mobile Spray tan in St. Augustine call or text TAN2YOU at 904-924-4618 and book today! We service clients within 30 miles of the St. Augustine Outlet Mall.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Makeup Tips, Beauty Reviews, Tutorials | Miss Natty's Beauty Diary Blog: How to avoid your self tanner from settling in you...

Spray Tan Solution Settling Into Pores

Had a couple spray tan clients experience this issue when I used really dark solutions (Norvell Black out and Vani-T Velocity Ultra Dark). Found this blog when I was researching fixes. I particularly like the witch hazel idea!  Makeup Tips, Beauty Reviews, Tutorials | Miss Natty's Beauty Diary Blog: How to avoid your self tanner from settling in you...

For the best Mobile Spray tan in St. Augustine call or text TAN2YOU at 904-924-4618 and book today! We service clients within 30 miles of the St. Augustine Florida Outlet Mall.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Plan That Tan! Spray Tanning Tips for Brides, Part I

The fall Wedding Expo season starts this month and it has me thinking of brides and all the (wanted and unwanted) advice they get! I thought I'd make a bridal spray tanning tip sheet to hand out at the Tan2you booth so brides can refer back to it and "Plan That Tan!" Here is an expanded version Enjoy~

Plan That Spray Tan!

Spontaneity is great- especially on your honeymoon or at your wedding reception. Not so much though when it comes to your bridal beauty regimen. Having a plan will help things fall into place in a more stress free way during the little days leading up to The Big Day. Here is a guide for how to find a talented professional spray tanner, prepare for a custom handheld spray tan and ensure your tan develops perfectly.

Three Months Before- The Test Run Tan

Pick three to four certified spray tanners, don't waste time on self-tanners and spray booths for a wedding or special event tan. (Sorry, they have their place, but it's not at a wedding). Find your short list by doing some research. Ask your wedding planner, attend a Wedding Expo and look at online reviews. Any talented spray tan consultant will have photos of their work available on their website or by request. Include at least one or two mobile spray tan technicians in your list. Tanning at home or at your hotel is the best way to get perfect, photo ready results. More about that in Part III.

Making the Appointments

When you make your trial run appointments notice if the person on the phone asks you any questions. If not, ask a few yourself.


  • What do I need to do to prepare?
  • Is the person doing the tan spray tan certified? How long have they been spray tanning?
  • Do you have a tanning solution for my skin type?
  • Who is your emergency back-up?
You're looking for a couple things here. If the person booking the appointment isn't knowledgeable or helpful they should be able to get you to someone who is. Experience isn't always a good indicator of talent, but bad spray tan stylists don't last long- word gets out. Especially in a small town like St. Augustine! As the sole proprietor of Tan2you I have cultivated reliable back ups for when I get too swamped or, god-forbid, get sick. Every responsible salon or solo tan tech should have a back up technician! Finally, if they only use one type of solution on everyone take that as a warning. Tanning solutions should be tailored to the client's skin tone. Period. Click here to see where you fall on the Fitzpatrick scale: Fitzpatrick Skin Type Quiz. Stagger the appointments about two or more weeks apart.  

During the Spray Tan Appointment

Using the directions they gave you, prepare for your appointment. Common directions should be: 
  • Shower before your spray tan
  • Use no soaps or scrubs with oil, lotion or deodorant 
  • Exfoliate, shave/wax
Take a full length before picture before you begin. If the wedding will be outdoors, take the photo outdoors.The spray tan consultant should spend some time with you before begin. No two people approach the appointment the same, but every consultant should take a moment to get to know their client and make sure they feel comfortable. Notice if they ask about any special skin concerns and discuss your expectations. You should also have a clear understanding of what to do after your tanning session before you leave the salon or the mobile spray technician leaves your home. If you ask questions, or ask for something to be corrected during or after the tan notice how they respond to feedback. This will be huge as the big day approaches and your tact, energy and patience are flagging. A tech that doesn't take feedback or questions well shouldn't work with brides.

After the Test Run Tans

Before and After Spray Tan
Take an "After" photo each time, preferably 48 hours after the appointment. Try to match the poses and lighting as best you can. Think of it like a science experiment! Write down anything you notice about each experience both positive and negative. Notice if the spray tan tech follows up the next day to see if you were satisfied. Pick your spray tan consultant based on how well you clicked with them and how well your tan turned out in the photos. Don't wait to book the bridal appointments. It's best to book two, one two weeks prior to the wedding and the final one two days prior to the wedding. If there was anything you didn't like about your trial tan discuss it and make sure it is improved upon next time. There are many brands, colors and application methods a spray tan stylist may have in their tool box. Finally, be sure to ask about any special offers for brides or bridal parties! 

Embedded Loofah Soap Loaf - Melt & Pour | Gotta Try!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

How do Sunless Products Work?

I heard Rick Norvell tell the story of how Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) came to be used as a cosmetic in June at the Sunless Expo- for some reason it stuck in my head. He said there were some tests going on with children to evaluate the properties of DHA for medicinal uses. One of the researchers noticed when the children dribbled their dose the skin around their mouths became tan. Lightbulb! Not long after Coppertone snapped up the idea and FDA testing began.
Sunless products tan the skin much like air browns an apple after it has been cut. The main ingredient in most sunless products is DHA. DHA is a simple carbohydrate that reacts with the amino acids on the top layer of the skin to create a tan effect. As the skin sheds so will the tan.

The active ingredients in sunless tan solutions are made from natural ingredients like sugar beets, sugar cane and raspberries. Dihydroxyacetone, or DHA is typically made from sugar beets. It will create a tan effect over a 24 hour period. Sunless tans can also include Erythrulose which is made from raspberries. It bronzes the skin after a 48 hour period. Some solutions combine the two to improve the longevity of the tan.

Over the counter sunless tanners, like Jergens Natural Glow, contain between 1-5% DHA. Professional spray tanning solutions typically range from 6 to 14%. The lower the percentage, the lighter the sunless tan will be. Tan2you uses solutions from 6 to 12% for most clients. 

Call or text TAN2YOU at 904-924-4618 and book today!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

5 Reasons to Choose Mobile Spray Tanning

When the internet first came out (yes, I know I'm dating myself here) I was completely enamored with it. I bought everything online- even my groceries! As the mom of an infant and elementary school child my free time was basically non-existent so having things delivered made sense to me. Fifteen years later not much has changed, I still don't have much free time and like things to be delivered. For folks that are still running around from errand to errand I thought I'd write up some reasons spray tanning on site makes sense. If you're already spray tanning at a salon, then you can mark this off as an errand and let me come to you instead.
Reason #5- Time Savings
A spray tan session at home takes around 30 minutes for a regular customer and roughly 45 for a new customer. Most of that is set-up and break down of equipment. If you're a regular tanner it's a huge time savings to have this service delivered instead of trekking to the salon and waiting for the person ahead of you to get done.  

Reason #4 Rugrats
I remember feeling so awkward about having to ask people to watch the kids when I went to tan. I wanted to look good for my partner but had mommy-guilt whenever I left them alone to have some "Me" time. Spray tanning at home is a lovely compromise. You get a glowing, gorgeous tan while the little ones are entertained in safe, familiar surroundings.
Reason #3 Better Results
Trusting your beautiful skin to a spray tan machine can bring unpredictable results. A machine can't assess your skin, contour your curves or ensure your tan is artfully applied and carefully checked. The solutions used in spray tan machines are bought in bulk and its hard for customers to tell their quality and freshness. Building a relationship with a (human) certified mobile spray tan consultant will ensure excellent results. Being able to get a shower and exfoliate right before spray tanning is an amazing insurance policy for the perfect tan.      
Reason #2 Price
Mobile spray tan consultants enjoy a lack of overhead and are often the sole-proprietors of their businesses. The cost savings of being independent and mobile allows Tan2you to purchase the best spray tan solutions possible and not charge substantially more than a salon would. We use a wide array of high-end brands that can meet the needs of the most discerning clients. If we don't have it we can order it!
Reason #1 Convenience
THE biggest reason to go mobile is the utter convenience of the service. Tanning at home or on-site makes sense for so many people. Busy moms, image-conscious professionals and loads of other people are realizing this isn't a luxury service, it's accessible and affordable. Being in your own space makes any body image hesitations you may have virtually disappear. Best of all- spray tanning at home means you never have to get dressed and drive right after your tan. Awesome!!

Call or text TAN2YOU at 904-924-4618 and book today!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Long Live Your Tan!

For the longest life of your airbrush or spray tan temporarily avoid…

  1. Hot tubs or swimming pools contain chlorine that can act to bleach the skin
  2. Anti-acne products that exfoliate, or dry the skin like Salicylic acids and Beta Hydroxy
  3. Antibiotics and other medications that affect your skin, can also affect your tan.
  4. Toners containing Alcohols or Witch Hazel
  5. Band-Aids, Biore pore strips, peel off facial masks
  6. Bar soap, Dove soap/shower gel, any soap containing sodium laureth sulfate (SLS)
  7. Petroleum & Petrolatum products, Curel, Jergens, Vaseline Intensive Care
  8. Body hair bleach and age spot lightening products
  9. AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), Retin-A type products (Renova, Tazorac, Tretinoin)
  10. Bug spray, perfumes, body sprays when sprayed directly onto skin, spray clothing instead
  11. Facial masks and exfoliating scrubs
  12. Hair Inhibiting Lotions tend to make a sunless tan yellow
  13. Exercise and sweating heavily your tan can fade faster, especially in body fold areas
  14. Wax or Depilatory hair removal products (Nair, Veet, Neet)
  15. Shaving exfoliates skin and can fade a tan. Use a sharp clean razor, with a lubricating product
  16. Hair conditioner works well as a shave cream
  17. Makeup remover cleaning products, or oils used to clean away eye makeup
  18. Long hot baths can soften the skin and affect the “tan” on some people.
  19. Bathing or showering with a loofah, scrub brush, exfoliating gloves or any other rough body cleansing item 
  20. Use a soft washcloth, puffy sponge or just your hands

Long live your tan!

Call or text TAN2YOU at 904-924-4618 and book today!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Mobile Spray Tan Experience

What to Expect During Your Mobile Spray Tan Session
TAN2YOU breaks an individual session down into five parts
  •          The consultation
  •          Equipment set up
  •          Spray tan
  •          After care instructions
  •          Equipment breakdown

        Initial sessions take a bit longer, your consultant will want to get to know your preferences and have you go over the client consent form. Common questions include “Are you pregnant?” “Do you have allergies to any sunless products?” “Do you have a special event coming up?” TAN2YOU has a pop-up tent available to keep the cosmetic bronzer in the spray mist from getting on your personal items.
Cool, dry places with plenty of ventilation, lighting and a convenient three-prong electrical outlet are ideal places to perform to spray tan.
        The actual tanning session doesn’t take
very long, we've timed it between six to ten minutes. If desired nose filters and “sticky feet” might be used. Unlike automated spray tanning booths barrier cream is not required for handheld custom spray tans. The consultant will place you in different poses and use the hand held applicator gun to mist your body. The spray is cold at first but you’ll find you get used to it very quickly! Some poses may be done twice, Different body types will require different poses for the best results. The consultant may use the air compressor to dry “strategic” places or warm you up if you get too cold.

        After your session is complete, the consultant will give you some tips to make sure your tan develops perfectly. They can also advise you on what products to use to keep your tan as long as you can. This is a good time for you to ask any questions and pay for your tan. (Tips aren’t expected but sure are nice!) After that the consultant will break down the tent, pack up the cart and head out. Expect a call or text the following day, we like to know that everything meets your expectations. If you had a good experience let them know, if you observed anything that didn’t work for you let them know that too! Many mobile spray tan consultants offer discounts on future sessions for referrals, grab an extra business card or two to share with your friends! 

Easy peasy- are you ready to try it or switch from the spray booth??

Call or text TAN2YOU at 904-924-4618 and book today!